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Product Bytes

Why User testing is important?

As a product manager you may have developed a feature through many iterations based on assumptions but testing the solution/design with a user group before actual development can be of highly beneficial

Which is the most important scrum ceremony?

Scrum has 4 main ceremonies that bring structure to each sprint

Should you adopt a 1 week sprint?

Few years before, when I was working on an internal product development, for the first time I was exposed to "1 Week Sprint".

When does a product idea fail?

Probably when the customers didn't receive it as per the expectation.

How significant is performance testing?

I had a weird experience today in using a app where I tried to scroll through the site looking for some info. The site was terribly slow and the overall experience was poor because of the page speed.

How important is a product roadmap?

Product Roadmap is an visual representation of the vision, priorities, growth and progress of a product around a product strategy that is aligned with all faces of the business.

Whatsapp : My favourite product

Gone are those days when I used to recharge my mobile with SMS pack during Diwali season and felt utmost happiness in sharing text wishes and E-mails to my friends/families during the eve.

For a PM, how important is technical understanding?

Working as a PM has multiple facets, of which technical side is something that is easily ignored.

How can you use agile methodologies to build MVPs effectively?

Agile methodologies enables business with better time to market and provides the flexibility to learn, adapt and react

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How can a Product Manager effectively communicate a change in deadline to stakeholders?

Stakeholder management is one of the key aspects in product management.

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How can you ensure continuous improvement after a product launch?

Few simple steps to follow to ensure your product evolves with accelerated growth.

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What can you learn from A/B testing for Product Management?

A/B testing is a simple and easy way to validate your ideas, feedbacks by forming a hypothesis.

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Arun Elangovan

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